Please join us weekly for in-person worship Sundays at 10:30 am. You may also join our worship service on Zoom via the link below.
Use this link to join from your computer or smart device:
Or call in on your phone using audio only: 929-205-6099; enter Meeting ID 472 784 772 and Passcode 116016
Masks are currently optional for in-person worship. We will designate one side of the sanctuary masks-required so that those who wish to only sit near others who are masked may do so. In small groups, such as Bible study and choir, mask policy will be up to the leader, taking the needs and comfort levels of participants into account.
Please continue to love your neighbor by recognizing that other people may have different safety needs or a different comfort level than you do! If you’d like to get within 6 feet of someone (for example, to sit next to them or give them a hug) please ask first. (Asking first is always a good call anyway.)
Please don’t come to in-person worship if you have any symptoms of COVID-19 or any reason to believe you’ve been exposed. We would love to welcome you on Zoom instead.
Extra masks, hand sanitizer and bleach wipes will be available to use as needed.